Jason Silva on Convergence of InfoTech BioTech & NanoTech

Technology is advancing at an increasing rate. One phenomenon that fuels this is the overlapping of technologies. For instance, the resolution of brain scanners is increasing exponentially – doubling nearly every year. This creates an ability to monitor a biotechnological treatment at a molecular scale and actually SEE how a drug or other treatment is working on certain cells. This direct feedback in turn leads to new biotech innovations.

Check out the video below as Futurist Jason Silva is interviewed on a news-show about the coming impact of technology.

Jason Silva on Converging Tech

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Another example of convergence of technologies is mentioned in Peter Diamandis’ book “Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think”. In it he quotes physician-scientist Dr. Daniel Kraft  

“The recent invention of induced pluripotent stem cells, which can be generated by reprogramming a patient’s own skin cells, gives us controversy-free access to this powerful technology. And with the coming convergence of stem cells, tissue engineering, and 3-D printing, we’ll soon have an incredibly potent arsenal for achieving health care abundance.” 

This convergence of technologies will accelerate change and will likely surprise us in its impacts to our daily lives in the years ahead.

We live in interesting times!

Check out the full news-clip of Jasan Silva at this link;  http://goo.gl/HTx0n


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